
i think everyone went through that phase as a kid where they wanted to run away. maybe you packed a bag and made it to the end of the road before you turned around. but the ones who don’t grow out of that — those are the kids with wanderlust. the ones who dream of traveling: breathing new air and touching new ground and seeing new faces.

someday, i am going to leave this suffocating town and see the world, either by myself or with one of my best friends (who we will be calling n for now). so here’s a list of a few places i’m going to visit.

Image result for greece tumblr

greece. i’m not sure why, but i’ve always loved greece. the food, the history, the myths, and the beautiful sights in general fascinate me. i was allowed to pick a language to study in school, and i chose koine greek — a little dumb, considering no one speaks it anymore. but it’s rather fun to say that i know a dead language.

new zealand. ok, i have to admit that the main reason i want to go there is so i can visit the shire. i’m so short and chubby, people would probably think i actually belong there (i’ve been called a hobbit by several people. yeah, my friends are nice). my copy of the hobbit has been read so many times that the pages are falling out.

Desert View Watchtower, Grand Canyon

the grand canyon. the colors remind me of n. and it’s kind of like a huge scar on the earth, which strikes me as pretty cool.


oregon. i blame gravity falls for this one, honestly. i’ll definitely try to find the bill cipher statue. apparently, there are lots of forests in oregon, and i freaking love forests. they’re somehow peaceful and creepy at the same time.

 green housethailand. i don’t know much about thailand, but it’s so beautiful and i want to try the food.

808sunkissed: “Cromwells ☀️🌊 ”

hawaii. i want to see volcanoes and palm trees and try malasadas! going there by myself sounds a bit sad for some reason, so i hope n is cool with going to hawaii with me. i’m going to make him wear a bunch of those pretty plumeria flowers in his hair. just a warning.

Odda, Norway

norway. my feelings about norway: !!!!

 when i say i want to go everywhere, i mean it. if it exists, i want to explore that place. someday.

xo apollo

Author: apollo

i'm apollo, a poet & hot mess.

29 thoughts on “wanderlust”

  1. Thailand is a beautiful place. <3 My little sister was born there. I hope you get to visit.

    I was a child born and raised by wanderlust. My parents took me all over the world, and that didn't stop once the rest of my siblings were born. I thank them for this, because instead of running away from them, we all ran away together.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, come visit us in New Zealand! I’m a wanderlust too, as much as I love it here I want to travel more than anything.
    ~Emily x


  3. I’ve been to Oregon and the Grand Canyon! They’re both very beautiful, and great places. I feel your wanderlust! I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Greece and Norway are so interesting. They have so much history (granted, Greece sufficiently more than Norway) and are both quite pretty.
    That’s really neat that you’re learning Koine Greek! It is a bit difficult learning languages other people don’t know (I’m learning Norwegian haha), but I’m so glad that you’re learning about what interests you!
    Is N the same N that you told me about? (likes Hamilton, right?)

    Kathleen the wanderer


    1. learning the history of different countries is one of the reasons i want to travel. i’ve learned about the history of america, rome, britian, etc. for school, but i don’t really know much about so many countries that are out there.

      i’ve always liked greece, so it was pretty exciting when my mom decided to let me learn the language.

      yep, that’s the one. :)

      xo loren


  5. I have officially been plagued by Wanderlust too. Except I don’t want the plague to go away. I’ve only been in four states, and I have always wanted to go all over the world too. My parents travel the world without me and my siblings, but they do bring back souvenirs! They’ve been to Hawaii, Bolivia, Canada, and all over the U.S. My dad even lived in Italy for two years. But this year we’re going to the grand canyon and I’m really excited! I wish I could take you so that your wanderlust is a bit satisfied!
    Whew, that was a long comment!


    Erm. Erm. As you might be able to tell, I LOVE the Hobbit.
    I want to go to New Zealand. I also want to go to Australia. OOO. Greece. That would be nice too.


  7. omggggg NOW I WANT TO GO TO ALL THESE PLACES! and my parents are thai and thailand is INDEED LOVELY!!! the food is to DIE. FOR. also my dad goes to norway on business trips and all the pics are soooo BEAUTIFUL! i want to go to greece too, and london and paris and SOO MANY OTHER PLACES GAH


  8. I’m not sure if I count as a person with wanderlust- I’m very much a homebody. However, someday I will go everywhere. (Possibly on a motorcycle with the wind as my guide)

    I hope you get to travel someday; perhaps we would go to New Zealand at the same time, by some alignment of the stars. My mom calls me an underfed hobbit. 😜

    My uncle went to Hawaii once- he said it’s absolutely beautiful.


    1. thanks! maybe we can meet up in hawaii someday. ;)

      (i was just listening to “girl that you love” and i thought of you, because you’re my p!atd buddy or something like that XD)

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Yes those photos make me want to go to all of those photos. But when I graduate college (btw I am in 6th grade) I want to move to London, Paris, Germany, Japan, or Ireland!
    Or maybe all…
    My parents greatest regret is not leaving. And I have a mission to travel the world for my cousin who passed away last year and she wanted to travel so… yeah.


  10. i want to visit all those places too…and more :) i was born in new zealand and i lived there for a couple years too and its pretty amazing, you should definitely go someday :)


  11. These photos are incredible!! But THAT Oregon one, wow there’s something I love about it. Keep it up, but watch your back.. you’ve got someone following you. Oh wait that’s just me :)


  12. I’ve been to all of these but Norway and NZ, but you’ve listed some of my very favorite destinations.I’m with you that I’m dying to get to NZ for the LOTR / Hobbit sets. They’re some of my favorite books as well! It’s so cool that you studied a dead language. Great for a humanities degree if you’re in to historical stuff! Keep traveling and staying inspired. You’ll check all of these off, I’m sure, and create many more lists to check off. Cheers!


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